create new movie clip symbol called box that animates a box opening:
insert box movie clip to stage layer 1 frame 1, give it instance name lootbox:

add actions to layer 1 frame 1:
//Stop lootbox instance on first frame: lootbox.stop() //Register event handlers on creation: lootbox.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked); lootbox.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); //Open when clicked: function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void { //Start playing: lootbox.play(); } //Listen each frame: function step(event:Event):void { //Calculate when lootbox finishes opening: if (lootbox.currentFrame == lootbox.totalFrames){ lootbox.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, step); removeChild(lootbox); trace("Complete."); } }