Prescribed and Self-determined Criteria (P&SD)
Criteria: characteristics by which something is evaluated or appraised; the teacher or client (prescribed) or students (self-determined) develop criteria, e.g. specific needs, identified purpose, impacts, quality or effectiveness of solution.
Evaluation: make an appraisal by weighing up or assessing strengths, implications and limitations; make judgments about ideas, works, solutions or methods in relation to selected criteria; examine and determine the merit, value or significance of something, based on criteria to make refinements and recommendations - justified by data.
What does a Criteria look like?
here is a sample of a self-determined criteria:
All criteria are determined from the specific context.
which means you must read all of the task sheet and stimulus for each assessment piece given to you.
How to determine P&SD Criteria:
Figure out what you actually have to evaluate with the P&SD criteria first:

Knowing this, read the IA Task Sheet which tells you specifically what each of these things are, then develop P&SD criteria that target specifically (i.e., can be evaluated against) these things:
- what essential PRESCRIBED criteria can be determined from reading and analysing the technical proposal (stimulus) and task sheet - in other words, what is required by the client (the administrators of whatever application you are building, e.g., Brisbane City Council, Queensland Government etc.)
- knowing that you will have to build a web application (real or simulated), what SELF-DETERMINED criteria do you (i.e., the application developer) feel are essential for this application to succeed
Some modelled samples might help:
encryption puzzle app