Algorithms to Coded Components
To illustrate "essential elements and features of programmed components and their relationships to the structure of the low-fidelity prototype digital solution":
Determining programming requirements using pseudocode:
GLOBAL VARIABLE puzzleWord BEGIN caeserCipher(word, shift) cipherText = "" FOR character IN word number = ORD(character) - ORD("A") number = number + shift letter = CHR(number + ORD("A")) JOIN letter TO cipherText NEXT character ENDFOR END BEGIN randomWord() ARRAY words = ['cat','joe','lol','pie'] n = RANDOM NUMBER BETWEEN 0 and LENGTH(words) RETURN words[n] END BEGIN check() INPUT guess IF guess == puzzleWord THEN OUTPUT "Correct" ELSE OUTPUT "Incorrect" ENDIF END BEGIN main WHILE True INPUT request IF request.url == "/" THEN puzzleWord = randomWord() OUTPUT caeserCipher( puzzleWord, +3 ) #obfuscate word RENDER webroot.html ENDIF IF request.url == "/check" AND request.method == "POST" THEN check() RENDER result.html ENDIF ENDWHILE END
Generation using Python:
from flask import * webapp = Flask(__name__) puzzleWord = "" def caeser(word, shift): cipherText = [] plainText = list(word) for character in plainText: number = ord(character) - ord("A") #base26 number = number + shift letter = chr(number + ord("A")) cipherText.append(letter) return "".join(cipherText) import random def randomWord(): words = ["cat","joe","lol","pie"] return random.choice(words) @webapp.route("/check", methods=["POST"]) def check(): guess = request.form["guess"] if guess == puzzleWord: return "Correct" else: return "Incorrect" @webapp.route("/") def webroot(): global puzzleWord puzzleWord = randomWord() return render_template("webroot.html", pw=caeser(puzzleWord,+3))"", port=5000, debug=True)