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Sunflower V3

Variables Values
Water % 100
Sunlight % 100
Days 0
Live Stats
Each flower by days grown Yet to grow a flower
Shortest grow Yet to grow a flower
Longest grow Yet to grow a flower
Inventory 0
Bank Balance $ 500
Sunflower Version 3:
Does everything version 2 does
In addition to 1 in 6 chance of germinating from seedling (age == 0), this germinating possibility will only occur if the water to sunlight ratio is an exact positive integer ratio of 2:1 water:sunlight, up to and including (but not exceeding) 200% water:100% sunlight
In addition to 1 in 6 chance of flowering from growth cycle (age == 5), this chance will only occur if water and sunlight both (independently) range somewhere between (and including) 40 to 60. For example, 50% water:40% sunlight is an acceptable ratio for possible flowering
Restart button functions differently to enable stat tracking. Restart no longer reloads the page location, instead it resets the values of the variables (using code), as well as the values of the HTML elements seen on the webpage. This makes it possible to display time taken, shortest length of time to grow a flower, longest etc, between flower lifecycles.
Added a basic economy. Player starts with $500. Each time water is given, cost is $10. Completed flowers stored in inventory can be sold for $50. You cannot water if you cannot afford.