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Geometry System

What Makes A Good Game

  1. The more freedom a player has, the more complex the game will be to create, and the more resources you (the developer) will have to manage. So start simple. Teams of people spend years and years perfecting games.

  2. Players should have enough control so that failure is their own fault. That doesn't mean that players should have control of everything. Surprises and random chance elements should occur, and when they do, players should have an allowable chance to respond to these events.

  3. A game should be accessible to newcomers, yet challenging to master. This will give a sense of accomplishment and progression.

  4. In the long term, people will always choose awesome gameplay and average graphics over awesome graphics and average gameplay. Fun always trumps aesthetics. So when you are learning to make games, don't spend all your time on artwork.

  5. If you were alone, bored and on holidays, would you choose to play your game for enjoyment? This is a good test as to whether your game is good or not. If you wouldn't play it, don't expect others too.