breakout | gml
Type | Desc | |
motion_set(direction, speed) | function | sets speed and direction variables of an instance in one line |
instance_place(x, y, object) | function | exactly like place_meeting except this function returns the 'specific instance identifier' which means we can do stuff with the instance we have collided with. |
point_direction(originX, originY, targetX, targetY) | function | returns the direction from one point (x1,y1) to another point (x2, y2). Helpful for setting course for a specific direction. We will use it in this example for a 'controlled bounce' (as opposed to a 'natural bounce'). |
Sprite | Images |
sprBall | ![]() |
sprBrick | ![]() |
sprPaddle | ![]() |
sprTargetBlock | ![]() |
Set the mask and origin of ball for spot on bouncing:

Next, set the origin of paddle for controlled bouncing a short distance below the middle-centre of the paddle surface:

The reason for this is explained in this diagram:

Object | Sprite | Properties |
objBall | sprBall | Visible |
objBrick | sprBrick | Visible |
objPaddle | sprPaddle | Visible |
objTargetBlock | sprTargetBlock | Visible |
objPaddle Step
switch (keyboard_key) { case vk_left: x = x - 7; break; case vk_right: x = x + 7; break; }
objBall Create
randomize(); motion_set(irandom_range(225,305),7)
objBall Step
if place_meeting(x + hspeed, y + vspeed, all){ //after we bounce, if there is a target block, //we will have to remove the target block: targetBlock = instance_place(x + hspeed, y + vspeed, objTargetBlock); //for the paddle (only)...: if place_meeting(x + hspeed, y + vspeed, objPaddle){ //...give the user some control as to where they are aiming, //which means an 'unnatural' bounce: direction = point_direction(objPaddle.x, objPaddle.y, x, y) } else{ //...otherwise use a regular (natural) bounce: move_bounce_all(true); } if (targetBlock != noone) { with (targetBlock) { instance_destroy(); } } }
- Adjust speed of paddle, ball, and layout of level, to make game more playable
- Make ball speed up +1 with every touch
- Come back and improve this game with score, lives and end-game once you develop more skill in GMS2