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falling rocks | gml

modfunctiongives the remainder when dividing, e.g. 20 mod 5 = 0 (because 5 goes evenly into 20). 6 mod 4 = 2 (because 4 goes into 6 once, with a remainder of 2).
instance_create_depth(x, y, depth, object)functionspawns an object at an x and y position at a given depth. The greater the depth, the more 'underneath' things it will appear. Think of depth as a 'z axis' while you are learning. This function can also return the instance id of the object being spawned.
draw_set_color(colour)functionsets colour for drawing. use the GM constant colours (e.g. c_lime, c_red, etc.
draw_text(x, y, string)functiondraws text at a location. use in a Draw event.

You can drag and drop the sprRock.gif into GMS2 and it will translate the animation frames accordingly:

objSpawnerno sprite 

No need to add any instances of objRock to the room, we will spawn these with the objSpawner object.

objSpawner Create

step_count = 0;
second_count = 0;
rocks_to_spawn = 1;
spawned_yet = false;
seconds_between_each_wave = 5;

objSpawner Step

step_count = step_count + 1;

if (step_count mod room_speed == 0){
  second_count = second_count + 1;
  step_count = 0;

if (not (spawned_yet)) and (second_count mod seconds_between_each_wave == 0) {
  for (rocks = 0; rocks < rocks_to_spawn; rocks += 1){
    rock_created = instance_create_depth(random(room_width), 0, 0, objRock);
    with (rock_created) {
      gravity = random_range(0.1,0.3);
      gravity_direction = 270;
      image_speed = 0;
  spawned_yet = true;
  rocks_to_spawn = rocks_to_spawn + 2;

if (second_count mod seconds_between_each_wave != 0){
  spawned_yet = false;	

objSpawner Draw GUI


draw_text(5, 25, "Step count:" + string(step_count));
draw_text(5, 50, "Second count:" + string(second_count));
draw_text(5, 75, "Rcoks to spawn next:" + string(rocks_to_spawn));

objPerson Step

switch (keyboard_key) {
  case vk_left: hspeed = -5; break;
  case vk_right: hspeed = +5; break;
  case vk_nokey: hspeed = 0; break;

objRock Step

if place_meeting(x,y,objPerson){
  image_speed = 1;	

if (image_index == sprite_get_number(sprRock) - 1){
  1. add scoring
  2. add time limit
  3. improve controls and game in general - ideas?