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inventory | gml

ds_listdata structure (list)like an array but with some cool built-in functions, like ds_list_create(), ds_list_add(), ds_list_empty(), ds_list_size() and ds_list_find_value()
ds_list_find_value(name_of_ds_list, index)
ds_list_delete(name_of_ds_list, index)
functionsretrieves or deletes the value at the specific index
ds_list_size(name_of_ds_list)functionreturns size of ds_list
ds_list_add(name_of_ds_list, value)functionadds an item to a ds_list
instance_number(name_of_object)functionreturns the instance count, i.e. the number of current spawns of an object in the room

Leave the key out of room for now, we will spawn the key in once all coins have been collected.

objHuman Create

//ds = datastructure - such as stacks, queues, lists, maps, grids etc.
inventory = ds_list_create();
//flag so that we only spawn one key when all coins collected:
spawned_key_yet = false;

objHuman Step

switch (keyboard_key) {
    case vk_left: x-=5; break;
    case vk_right: x+=5; break;
    case vk_up: y-=5; break;
    case vk_down: y+=5; break;

coin = instance_place(x,y,objCoin);
if (coin != noone) {
    ds_list_add(inventory, "Coin");

key = instance_place(x,y,objKey);
if (key != noone) {
    ds_list_add(inventory, "Key");

//------------drop a collected coin:
//if there are items in the inventory:
if !ds_list_empty(inventory)
  if (keyboard_key == vk_space){
    //get size of inventory so we can parse every item looking for a coin:
    size = ds_list_size(inventory);
    //for each item in the inventory:
    for (i = 0; i < size; i=i+1){
      //retrieve the name of the item:
      item = ds_list_find_value(inventory, i);
      if (item == "Coin"){
        //remove the coin:
        ds_list_delete(inventory, i);
        //put it back on the map somewhere random:
        //break out of the for loop once a coin has been dropped:

//------------make key appear once coins collected:
if (instance_number(objCoin) < 1 and !spawned_key_yet){
  spawned_key_yet = true;

objHuman Draw GUI

//Draw the items being carried by the player:
if !ds_list_empty(inventory)
  //get size of inventory so we can parse every item:
  size = ds_list_size(inventory);
  //for each item in the inventory:
  for (i = 0; i < size; i=i+1){
    //retrieve the name of the item:
    item = ds_list_find_value(inventory, i);
    //i * 20 is the y-axis, so draw items down the side:
    draw_text(5, i * 20, item);

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