Implement a console prototype system for simulated bank functionality:
- Displaying a welcome message
- Allowing customers to securely logon
- Basic functionality, such as:
- Showing a savings account balance
- Allowing users to make deposits into their savings account
- Allowing users to make withdrawals
- Prevent users from withdrawing more money than they have in their savings account
- More complex features, such as:
- Generating a more complex password
- Creating a “transaction log”, which records user activities, such as:
- Deposits (with the amount deposited)
- Withdrawals (with the amount withdrawn)
- Checking of account balances
- Offering information on term deposit options:
- Minimum amounts required
- Interest rates
- Length of time of deposits
- Predicted earnings
- The ability for a user to add, edit or delete their personal details
- Administration services, such as:
- Displaying data using summative totals or averages on the:
- amount of savings stored in the bank (all users)
- number of transactions
- Displaying data using summative totals or averages on the:
- An online instruction manual for this system that the user can easily access
- Any other ideas, features or services that could be of arguable value to a bank