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Branching If

if simplest.py

password = input("password: ")
if password == "abcd":
    print("access granted")

if simpler.py

number = 5
if number > 0:
    print("Stay positive!")

if simple.py

word = "Hi"

#single equal sign = assignment of value on RIGHT of
#the equals sign to the variable on the LEFT of the equals sign

if word == "Hi": #double equal sign == comparison of two values:

candy bar.py

print("Welcome to the movies.")
age = int(input("How old are you?")) 
if (age < 13): 
    print("You are not old enough to watch a movie.") 
print("Thanks for coming.")

candyBarClosed = True 
    print("Candy bar is not open.")

  1. ask me for the magic word. if i respond "please", say "thankyou".

  2. ask me for my age. if i am younger than 18, say "sorry you are too young to vote."

  3. Imagine your lucky number is the number 3. Ask me for a number between 1 and 5. If i guess 3, you should say "you got it!"

  4. make the lucky number in the previous question a random number.