Exercises E

question I.py

animation_states = ["WALK", "RUN", "JUMP", "STILL", "DUCK"]

### Q1. Append an "ATTACK" state to the animation_states list

### Q2. For each state of animation in the animation_states list:
        ### remove the state from the list if it contains a "U"

### Q3. Print out the contents of the animation_states list

### output to last question should be:["WALK", "STILL", "ATTACK"]

question II.py

star_wars = {
  "Rey": "Apprentice",
  "Luke": "Jedi",
  "Yoda": "Jedi"

# Q1. Add "Anakin" as a key to the star_wars dictionary.
#     Anakin's value is "Jedi".

# Q2. Write a script that counts the number of "Jedi" values in the dictionary.
#     Your answer to this question (if done correctly) should print: 3

# Q3. Add "C-3PO" and "R2-D2" as keys to the dictionary.
#     Both C-3PO and R2-D2's values are "Droid".

# Q4. Modify the script from Q2 so that it sums all values irrespectively.
#     The final output should show a tally of each value in the dictionary:

# Apprentice: 1
# Jedi: 3
# Droid: 2

question III.py

num = 65 #google keyascii
print(chr(num)) #"A"
print(chr(num+1)) #"B"

### ^^ demonstration can be removed

grid = {}
ROWS = 3

# Q1. Using the grid dictionary, create the grid values for a game of battleships.
#     The dictionary may look like this when populated:
#     grid = { "A1": "empty", "A2": "empty", ... "C3": "empty"}

# Q2. If you haven't already, allow the user to change the values for COLUMNS and ROWS

# Q3. Create a 'nice looking' print out of your dictionary in grid format:
# A1 __|A2 __|A3 __|A4 __|A5 __|
# B1 __|B2 __|B3 __|B4 __|B5 __|
# C1 __|C2 __|C3 __|C4 __|C5 __|
# D1 __|D2 __|D3 !!|D4 __|D5 __|
# E1 __|E2 __|E3 __|E4 __|E5 __|

# can you do better?

question IV.py

sample_tuple = ("Newcastle", 12, 9, 17)
# Newcastle had 12 wins, 9 draws, 17 losses.
# Wins are worth +3, draws +1, losses 0.
# Newcastle finished the competition with 45 points.

sample_list = [
  ("West Ham", 15, 7, 16),

print( sample_list[0][0] ) # prints Newcastle
print( sample_list[1][3] ) # prints West Ham losses

# ^^ demonstration can be removed

teams = [
  ("Arsenal", 21, 7, 10),
  ("Chelsea", 21, 9, 8),
  ("Liverpool", 30, 7, 1),
  ("Manchester City", 32, 2, 4),
  ("Manchester United", 19, 9, 19),
  ("Tottenham", 23, 2, 13),

# Q1. from the teams list of tuples, calculate finishing points for each team.

# Q2. print a list of teams in descending order of their finishing points.

question V.py

game_board = (
  ["1", "2", "3"],
  ["4", "5", "6"],
  ["O", "8", "X"]

def display_board():
    for row in range(len(game_board)):
        line = ""
        for col in range(len(game_board[row])):
            line += game_board[row][col] + "|"
        print(len(game_board[row]) * "--")

game_loop = True
while game_loop:
    pos = int(input("Enter num of position to place X >> "))

# Q1. Continue this code so that it places an X at the chosen location.
#     Do not allow me to mark a square that is already taken.

# Q2. Make the game alternate between X and O inputs

# Q3. Stop the game loop when the grid is full

# Q4. After each turn, check for winners (3 in a row) across:
#     a) rows (horizontal)
#     b) columns (vertical)
#     c) diagonals
#     If there is a winner, stop the game loop

# Q5 Extension: Make this a single player game,
#               So that you are X and the computer is O.
#               The computer will randomly choose its own positions.