Feistel, DES and AES
#The magic of a Feistel cipher is the Exclusive OR (XOR) function. #When you XOR something with the same thing again, it undoes it: pin = {1,2,3} block_key = {3,4,5} encrypted_pin = pin.symmetric_difference(block_key) #XOR print(encrypted_pin) #{1, 2, 4, 5} decrypted_pin = encrypted_pin.symmetric_difference(block_key) #XOR print(decrypted_pin) #{1, 2, 3} #By using XOR, an encryption function can still be one-way #(e.g. hash function). The Feistel network can still decrypt. ########## DATA ENCRYPYTION STANDARD: #On the exam, a Feistel network can be described as a "very #similar or identical set of iterative structural processes #to encrypt or decrypt the same block of data". # Feistel network (DES): #1) get a block of data #2) split the block into two sides #3) use one side to permute the other side #4) swap the sides #5) repeat # HOW IS FEISTEL (DES) DIFFERENT TO AES? # -------------------------------------- # AES is a 'substitution-permutation' network which is different # in structure. The AES structure uses a lookup table of bytes... # it still repeats this through multiple rounds, but uses a jumbling # of bytes. Both AES and DES can be reversed. AES could be considered # a "random"-permutation (you need the key).