Message server
Using Flask:
The client IP address range here is placeholder only ( .. Depending on your domain configuration, edit the IP values as needed. You also need to change the host IP from the loopback ( to your domain IP, and enable firewall rules.
from flask import * app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = "qwertyuiop" import hashlib password = '5e884898da28047151d0e56f8dc6292773603d0d6aabbdd62a11ef721d1542d8' # Unsalted SHA256 hash for 'password' # Fake LAN IP addresses, replace with real IP addresses once known: messages = { '':['Your books are overdue at the library.','Netball practise this afternoon at 3pm.'], '':['Sushi is $3 at the tuckshop today.','Music class is in the library today.'], '':['Check out the new video on Youtube.',], } @app.route("/") def root(): return render_template("mail.html", content = messages.get(request.remote_addr), session = session ) @app.route("/login", methods=["post"]) def login(): plain_text = request.form["password"] hash_text = hashlib.sha256( plain_text.encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest() if hash_text == password: session['authenticated'] = True return redirect("/") # Remember to edit host IP to your local IP:, host="", port=5000)
Put the following HTML template into a templates folder:
{% if 'authenticated' not in session %} <form method="post" action="/login"> enter password: <input type="text" name="password"> <input type="submit" value="login"> </form> {% else %} {% if content %} {% for msg in content %} {{msg}} <hr> {% endfor %} {% else %} <i>no messages for you!</i> {% endif %} {% endif %}