Card Deck
- OOP = Object-oriented programming = programming paradigm. some definitions:
- class = blueprint in code (e.g. a bicycle class might have a "speed" variable and a speedUp() method)
- object = instance of a class (e.g. Ronnie's bike)
- abstraction = means hiding what isn't important when working with classes / OOP
- encapsulation = techniques to bundle and hide methods and properties within classes (e.g. using public and private keywords in C++). this is one way to enable abstraction
- inheritance = when new objects to take on the properties of existing objects (e.g. a circle object inherits the properties of a shape object)
- polymorphism = ability for an object to take on many forms (e.g. a method draw() could be used with triangles, stars and boxes)
class Card: deckCounter = 0 def __init__(self, title, suit): self.title = title self.suit = suit Card.deckCounter += 1 def flipCard(self): print(self.title, "of", self.suit) card1 = Card("Ace", "Spades") card2 = Card("Seven", "Diamonds") card1.flipCard() card2.flipCard() print(Card.deckCounter, "cards in deck")
#Joker overrides parent class methods: class Card: deckCounter = 0 def __init__(self, title, suit): self.title = title self.suit = suit Card.deckCounter += 1 def flipCard(self): print(self.title, "of", self.suit) class Joker(Card): def __init__(self): Card.deckCounter += 1 def flipCard(self): print("Joker") card1 = Card("Ace", "Spades") card2 = Card("Seven", "Diamonds") card3 = Joker() card1.flipCard() card2.flipCard() card3.flipCard() print(Card.deckCounter, "cards in deck")