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Steps to install Python (and VS Code - optional)

1. download Python from https://www.python.org/download

2. launch installer, set options as shown and choose Customize installation

3. set options as shown

4. set options as shown, then change the custom install location to:


(then click Install)

5. ... wait ...

6. click Close

7. launch IDLE to edit and run your Python code

You can stop here, unless you want to use VS Code instead of IDLE to write your Python code (completely optional)

1. google visual studio code and click Download

2. click to download Windows version

3. click Save File

4. click Open installer from Downloads folder and click Run, then accept agreements and Next

5. change the default install folder location to:


(then click Next)

6. ... just click Next ...

7. set default options as shown, then click Next

8. finally, click Install

9. ... wait ...

10. click Finish and then launch Visual Studio Code

11. once VSCode has launched, click FilePreferencesExtensions

12. search for the Python extension authored by Microsoft and click Install (it should be the most popular Python extension)

13. to test if this is working, click FileNew File

14. set Python as language

15. before you write any code go FileSave As... and save file to desktop, name it hello_mango.py

16. type this script: print("Hello Mango!")

17. set Run and Debug options to Debug the currently active Python file:

18. in future just click Play button to Run python file in Terminal. If you see a result in the Terminal window, this worked!