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Data Entry


import PySimpleGUI as PSG

message = PSG.Text("Welcome")

rows = [
            [PSG.ReadFormButton("Click me")],
            [PSG.InputText("Billy Gates")]

form = PSG.FlexForm("This is a form.")

while True:
    button, value = form.Read()

    if button == "Click me":
        message.Update("Hello " + value[0])


import PySimpleGUI as PSG

message = PSG.Text("Welcome")

rows = [
            [PSG.ReadFormButton("Click me")],
            [PSG.InputText("Billy Gates", key="fullName")]

form = PSG.FlexForm("This is a form.")

while True:
    button, value = form.Read()

    if button == "Click me":
        message.Update("Hello " + value["fullName"])


import PySimpleGUI as PSG

message = PSG.Text("Welcome", size=(30, 1),
                    font=("Papyrus", 25)

rows = [
            [PSG.ReadFormButton("Click me")],
            [PSG.InputText("Eat ")],
            [PSG.InputText("Sleep ")],
            [PSG.InputText("Fortnite ")],
            [PSG.InputText("Repeat ")]

form = PSG.FlexForm("This is a form.")

while True:
    button, value = form.Read()
    sentence = ""
    for eachWord in value:
        sentence += eachWord



import PySimpleGUI as psg
import datetime

form = psg.FlexForm('Getting data in a list')
thisYear = datetime.datetime.now().year

layout = [
          [psg.Text("Please enter your Username, Password, Year born")],
          [psg.Text("Username:"), psg.InputText("3l1te")],
          [psg.Text("Password:"), psg.InputText("*****")],
          [psg.Text("Year born:"), psg.InputText("2010")],
          [psg.Submit(), psg.Cancel()]
button, values = form.LayoutAndRead(layout)

print("Button clicked: " + button)
print("Username: " + values[0])
print("Password: " + values[1])
age = thisYear - int(values[2])
print("Your Age: " + str(age))


import PySimpleGUI as psg
import datetime

form = psg.FlexForm('Getting data in a list')
thisYear = datetime.datetime.now().year

layout = [
          [psg.Text("Please enter your Username, Password, Year born")],
          [psg.Text("Username:"), psg.InputText("3l1te", key="username")],
          [psg.Text("Password:"), psg.InputText("*****", key="password")],
          [psg.Text("Year born:"), psg.InputText("2010", key="yearborn")],
          [psg.Submit(), psg.Cancel()]
button, values = form.LayoutAndRead(layout)

print("Button clicked: " + button)
print("Username: " + values["username"])
print("Password: " + values["password"])
age = thisYear - int(values["yearborn"])
print("Your Age: " + str(age))
  1. Which way do you prefer - getting input values as a list (e.g. values[0]) or as a dictionary (e.g. values["username"])?

  2. Create a GUI application that asks me for my favourite colour, then says "I love colour too!", where colour is the colour that I entered. For example, when your program runs, you might type in "blue", to which the computer will respond "I love blue too!"