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SELECT title, category, calories
FROM menu
WHERE category == 'burger' 
  AND calories == 920


SELECT title, category, calories
FROM menu
WHERE category == 'burger' 
  OR calories == 920


SELECT title, category, price
FROM menu
WHERE category == 'burger'
  AND NOT price == 19.95
  1. Explain the difference in results between the first two examples above (AND vs. OR).
  2. What happens if you take the NOT out of the last example?
  3. Show all the fields for items that are categorized as either "burger" OR "salad"
  4. Show the title and description for the item that is $19.95 AND has exactly 520 calories
  5. Show the title and description for the item(s) that are EITHER $19.95 OR NOT HAVING exactly 520 calories