Choosing a specific book

import sqlite3
db = sqlite3.connect('bookshop.db')
result = db.cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM books").fetchall()

n = len(result)
i = 0
while i < n:
    print(i, result[i][1]) #e.g.: 10 The Gruffalo
    i = i + 1

choice = int(input("Enter book num >> "))

print("Your book choice: ", result[choice])

    Core Activities:

  1. Run the above code file
  2. Instead of printing the whole tuple of the book I have chosen (which is what the last line of code does), see if you can make the code print just the cost of the book I have chosen. Hint: result[choice][?], where ? is the integer index of the field that contains the price..
  3. Extension Activities:

  4. create a variable wallet that contains the integer value 50 (representating $50 of cash in my wallet). When i choose a book to purchase, subtract the chosen book price field from the wallet variable. For example:
    10 The Gruffalo
    11 Jamie's 30-Minute Meals
    12 The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
    Enter book num >> 10
    Your book price:  21.95
    Wallet remaining:  28.05