Min, Max


SELECT MIN(calories), title
FROM menu

/* supported since version 3.7.11 for MAX() and MIN() only.
see: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html#bareagg */


SELECT MAX(price), title
FROM menu
WHERE price < 20.0

/* This isn't a fully correct answer yet.
There are two items for $19.95, but this only yields 1. */


SELECT title, price
FROM menu
WHERE price == (  
  SELECT MAX(price)
  FROM menu
  WHERE price < 20.0

/* This is a better solution.
The nested query is executed first.
Both $19.95 items will show. */
  1. Double-check the result of running the second query (that fails), then browse the entire data table to confirm that the second query isn't quite correct
  2. Given that the second query fails, is the first query correct? (answer - it is)
  3. The third query uses a subquery which will be covered later...
  4. Show the price, title and category of the menu item with the MAX price (model your answer on the first example above)