
Reservation Server Main Project File

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TcpServer.h"

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
	Console::WriteLine("***** Restaurant Booking Server *****");
	Console::WriteLine("Commenced server session "+DateTime::Now+"\n");
	TcpServer^ server = gcnew TcpServer();
	/*create a delegate to the method that is the starting point of the thread.  Thread method is fully qualified in argument.
	Note - this thread takes no arguments - hence use of ThreadStart and not ParameterizedThreadStart */
	ThreadStart^ redisplayBookingsStart = gcnew ThreadStart(server, &TcpServer::redisplayBookingsEverySixtySeconds);
	//create the thread:
	Thread ^redisplayBookingsThread = gcnew Thread(redisplayBookingsStart);
	//start the thread:
	//create a new listener for connections from TCP network clients (from any IP address):
	TcpListener^ socket = gcnew TcpListener(IPAddress::Any, 12345);
	//starts socket listening for incoming connection requests:
		Console::WriteLine("Waiting for client connection...");
		//Accept a pending connection request and assign it to a new TcpClient Class object, ready for sending and receiving:
		TcpClient ^ client = socket->AcceptTcpClient();
		//create a new parameterized thread delegate (this will be used for the connecting client):
		Thread ^thr = gcnew Thread(gcnew ParameterizedThreadStart(server, &TcpServer::ProcessThread));
		//start the new thread for the connecting TcpClient object by supplying the object as an argument to the thread (i.e. client):
	return 0;