
co-ordinate system

Include Colours
You will need to save your POV-Ray file first for this to work. The file link is relative to the folder in which you saved your file: #include "include/"

Add Camera
camera {
  location <0, 3, -3>
  look_at  <0, 0,  0>

Add Light Source
light_source { <0, 0, -3> White}

Add Sphere
set origin <x, y, z>, radius 1 unit and colour pigment salmon:
sphere {
    <0, 0, 0>, 1
      pigment { Salmon }

Finished Product
#include ""

camera {
  location <0, 3, -3>
  look_at  <0, 0,  0>

sphere {
  <0, 0, 0>, 1
  pigment { Salmon }

light_source { <0, 0, -3> White}

  1. change colour of sphere
  2. make sphere bigger
  3. make sphere smaller
  4. zoom camera out
  5. zoom camera in
  6. change camera rotation so that i can only see part of the sphere
  7. add another sphere
  8. make a cool looking solar eclipse picture
  9. eclipse