challenges (python 1)

  1. Write a program that writes “My Kitchen Rules” to the screen
  2. Write a program that asks for a user name, and tells the user they are a meme
  3. Write a program that adds 1 plus 1 together and outputs the answer
  4. Write a program that calculates the area of a circle
  5. write a program that outputs the role of a dice. Challenge: add a second dice and calculate the total (so this could be used in monopoly). also add a picture
  6. write a program that inputs the current temperature as a whole number (celcius) and tells me whether it is hot or cold (lets assume hot is anything 20 or over, everything else is cold).
  7. write a program that inputs two whole numbers into two variables (call them num1 and num2), then outputs the sum, product and difference of those two numbers.
  8. card draw - can you write a python script that draws a random card from a deck? can you add a picture?
  9. can you write a program that pops up a message box that says "rekt" to the screen on an infinite loop?

  10. simple golf game: Welcome to Emerald Lakes Golf Club! You are 463m away from the hole. Please choose a club: A) Driver: 200m - 250m B) 5-Iron: 140m - 180m C) Sand Wedge: 30m - 100m D) Putter: 1m - 15m [>>A] You have chosen the Driver. You hit the ball 234m You are 229m away from the hole. Please choose a club: etc. randomize shot lengths

  11. Higher / lower. The computer picks a number between 1 and 10. I (the user) get 3 guesses. On each incorrect guess, the computer tells me if my guess was higher / lower than original number. After 3 guesses the computer tells me what the number was. Alternatively if I guess correctly, the computer tells me how many guesses it took me. I then get an option to play again or exit. Challenges: Give the user the option to set the variables in the game at run time – numOfGuessesAllowed, rangeMaxNum, rangeMinNum. Add new variables to keep track of: gamesPlayed, timesSolved, timesFailed, quickestFind