
simple list
For any default sprite, create a new type of variable called a list (and name the list cards):

A list is still a variable, but makes working with a collection of values easier. Attach this script to the default sprite once you have created the 'cards' list shown above:

Try the above script out before continuing, and answer this question: Could you modify the simple list script so far so that it displays a random dice roll, e.g. "ONE", "FIVE", "SIX" etc.

more complex use of lists - shuffling
We will use this algorithm to help us shuffle the card deck:

for each of the card positions in the deck, counting backwards from the last position:
  choose a random card from somewhere between the beginning of the deck and my current position
  swap the random card i have chosen with the card from the position i am currently looking at

To implement this algorithm, create another list variable called temp (you should already have a list variable named cards at this point). We will use the 'temp' list to hold temporary values while we process through the main deck of 'cards':

Attach this script to the default sprite (you can replace any script you had previously):

questions - these are difficult
Can you add:
  1. A full deck of cards (all 52) in the populate_deck event? There is an easier way to do this.. the following script is in addition to the above script but modifies the populate_deck event used earlier. It also uses two extra lists and two extra variables:

  2. A third list variable, named my_hand, and deal the first five cards from the (shuffled) cards list variable to my_hand? Hint:

  3. Can you turn this into any card game?

  4. If you have time remaining, add animations and improve the user experience.