Game Theory

  1. CPU vs GPU
  2. Terrain
  3. Microtransactions & DLC
  4. Rubber Band AI
  5. Collision Detection
  6. Diagonal Movement Problem
  7. Physics
  8. AR & VR
  9. Video game genres.. where is FPS?


direction - 0 right, 90 up, 180 left, 270 down




keyboard_check vs keyboard_check_released / keyboard_check_pressed,vk_left or other vk_ key constants.

sprite_index which loads a sprite, e.g.: sprite_index = sprExplosion;.. whereas image_index & image_speed deal with the sub-images of a sprite.

move_bounce_solid,move_bounce_all, and move_wrap, which can be used to wrap a player around the room.

irandom_range - gives a random whole number in a range, for example: strength = irandom_range(1,6) which sets the variable strength to a random number between 1 and 6.

Branching statements - including switch, case, break and default, or if and else